A list of a lot of the resources I did use to create my Hackintosh.
Not all of them are listed here, some of them are hidden in the rest of the documentation!
The whole build is based on AudioGod's Aorus Z390 Master Patched DSDT EFI for Catalina Mini Guide and Discussion on InsanelyMac. Without it and the personal help of AudioGod it would have been a little bit harder to get this working.
I used 3 USB Boot Sticks, one for the Bios and Profiles, one for Windows 10, and one for the macOS install.
Bios F11c from Gigabyte or AudioGod
Custom Bios Profile for MSR unlock from AudiGod or a DIY MSR Unlock
OpenCore EFI Folder from OpenCore 058 Z390 Pro 1,1 040520 from AudioGod
TINU from
PlistEditPro from
GenSMBIOS from
MacSerial which can be automatically downloaded via GenSMBIOS
Hackintool from
CloverConfigurator (for mounting the EFI) from
MountEFI (an other option to mount EFI from shell) from
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