Using gitbook to generate the documentation
Installing gitbook-cli on OSX Catalina
There is a good documentation available on GitHub
but it is a little bit older so here are some additional steps you need to do.
There is also an issue with a lot of the features of the newer version of Gitbook. This is for example embedded URL or this Hint even. This will cause the cli version of gitbook to fail. For example {% embed url="" caption="" %} will cause Template render error: ( ..../SnowWhite/this-and-that/ [Line 7, Column 2] unknown block tag: embed make: * [build] Error 1
All in all, I didn't pursue this further due to the above-mentioned issues at the moment but I kept it here. It might be useful to others.
You need:
Prepare Node Install
To be able to install npm and node you need to change some rights on the filesystem first:
brew will tell you that this is needed if you run it without these rights and you can just copy / paste it in the terminal if you want.
If you then run the install of npm and node you will find that node will not work afterward as it requires access to /usr/local/include.
At least in my case the directory didn't exist so I created it and took over.
and then you can install node and npm
So now you can start with gitbook-cli
Gitbook-Cli Install
You start the installation with
but you are not done yet.
Now you need to finish the gitbook install with
After some time you can check with
which version you have installed.
If you want to have epub, pdf etc versions of the documentation read further, if not jump ahead to Creating the Documentation with a make file
Epub, PDF and mobi Versions
gitbook requires a commandline tool from Calibre to create epub, pdf or mobi versions of the documentation.
Install Calibre after downloading it from above URL
Now link the ebook-convert tool to the right place
Creating the Documentation with a make file
If you use the make file which comes with this repo you can now do:
Build static HTML.
Build PDF.
Build epub for iDevice.
Build mobi for Kindle.
Review result at local.
Clean the environment
Configuring Github to show your documentation on Github Pages
And now we just need to configure Github to show the documentation on Github Pages.
Before you can configure GitHub, make sure that you already have a /docs folder in your repository.
Go to the Settings of your repository.
Now scroll down to Github Pages and select master branch /docs folder.
After that pick a theme you would like to use. I went with the minimal theme.
Now you should be able to publish your documentation to Github Pages.
Last updated
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