SnowWhite, a hackintosh story

Skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as night.

Welcome to my new Hackintosh Build

Hi, please pardon the dust till my hardware arrives. I will update this documentation with a build log of how I did build my SnowWhite Hackintosh and an install log on how to install OSX Catalina and Windows 10 on this system afterwards.

And finally I will have a change log for all the changes which where needed afterwards to keep the system up and running.

I will keep the information here updated and create additional documents if the need arises due to updates, patches, changes etc.

A copy of this will also be available on

The whole build is based on AudioGod's Aorus Z390 Master Patched DSDT EFI for Catalina Mini Guide and Discussion on InsanelyMac. Without it and the personal help of AudioGod it would have been a little bit harder to get this working.

There is no tldr; here. It is either read all to the end or don't bother.

1) A Hackintosh is for people who like to tinker and are willing to learn

2) I want to give you the full picture before I point out the elephant in the room

3) It might become more condensed in the future but atm it is a collection of information

The Hardware

Hardware is always an issue with a Hackintosh. If you don't get hardware which is supported by Apple directly with drivers there is no way to make it work. One of the reason why certain Wireless / Bluetooth Cards are so popular and why NVidia GPU don't work anymore after High Sierra.

The core hardware components can be found in The Hackintosh itself

The customised water-cooling components can be found in The Waterworks

And there is also management, for heat / cooling and the laser shows which can be found in The Brain

Build Log

As the hardware is finally there, not complete but at least enough to figure out what is missing let's go.

Install Log

And after struggling with kilometers of cable, missing parts and other shenanigans it finally begins.

First is Bios, then Windows and then the long road to macOS.

Change Log and Known Issues

Well, nothing is more constant than change and there are always bugs, so take a look here

This and that

In this area you can find some information which is related to SnowWhite but can't directly be put under the other chapters. Some of it is still work in progress so tread lightly. Get a closer look in here.

Back to the Future

When you have come to this place in my documentation you will wonder what else is there to do?


Quite a lot really.

I have already 2 other major projects in the pipelines for the next 2 years.

  1. Custom Sleeved Cables

  2. Rigid Tubing

And of course making changes which are necessary to keep the system running like updates and fine tuning.

So keep coming back.


I value feedback so feel free to create issues on github for questions, comments or other things you would like to discuss.

Last updated